About Us
How a Financial Analyst and an Interior Designer uprooted their lives and moved to rural France. This is our story
Our Story
A Grand Design
James and Sam Parry with their Sons Will and Ben, first came to Corrèze for a summer holiday in 2007. After one trip out on his bike, James a road cycling aficionado, was so enthusiastic about the cycling here that a seed of an idea was planted. In 2008 the family relocated to France from their home in Surrey, plunged into life in Rural France and embarked on a gruelling ‘grand design’ style adventure which resulted in the opening of Correze Cycling Holidays and Chambres d’hotes in April 2011. The following year they won the Coup de Coeur award for innovation in tourism awarded by the Conseil General of Corrèze.
James became an expert on roof slating and dry walling, a far cry from his career as a financial analyst and worked tirelessly for 3 years, renovating the barn to create 5 en suite guest rooms and a huge salon. In addition to the barn, a huge extension was built between the barn and farmhouse to create a vast kitchen and dining room, clad in local Chestnut.
James spends his spare time exploring the wonderful countryside on his bike preparing new routes for cycling guests. He is not missing commuting to London……..

Sam, formally an interior designer and a keen chef, was in her element project managing the build and experimenting with the fantastic local produce. Her Potager, now in its 10th season, provides a lot of quality home grown produce for the kitchen, including many edible flowers.
Sam became involved with the local school PTA, becoming president because she didn’t understand the question. In 2014 she was elected as a local councillor and works on the Finance and Tourism commissions (she now understands the questions). She also drives the local school bus.
The boys are now fully bilingual and have gone native. William, the eldest passed the Brevet after only 4 years speaking French and went on to take a French Literary Baccalaureate. He now studies film production at Northumbria University, Ben the youngest is now more French than British and is taking his Economic Science Baccalaureate. He plays for the local football team
Our Story in Pictures